Should I begin this post with an 'assalamualaikum'? It looks preposterous. Well, as my 'iman' is as thin as an apple skin, I should begin with an 'ass' instead.
Lately, my interest in Facebook and MySpace has been decreased gradually (like in Add Maths' linear graph. haha) and it is blogging who took charge over my interest. It is like a deja-vu. Yeah. I think it is a good time for that deja-vu so that I can enter the premiere attention of the whole Malaysia, through my blog post. HAHA
Days go by but nothing has changed, except my new futsal shoes. It is hard to make a decision especially if it can influence my future. A few days ago, my father gave a very erm, kind of bullshit idea. He said that I should consider to take STPM. Watafak! He then gave some reasons, including his soon-to-be retirement. Don't talk crap lah ayah oi! Your idea should be considered as a douchebag!
Due to my consideration and current condition, I think I should retire from blogging. Yelah, I saw that my blog is not so popular and has little number of comments. Maybe there are loyal readers out there, but at least, can you drop some comment please?
And for those bloggers that I don't comment his/her posts, don't be mad lah! One reason is, I don't feel pleased with your posts. Typical posts like daily diary and favourite boybands, they are just lame. Not my type. Except if you write them in a hilarious way, well, I'm in!
p/s : this post, maybe my last post, is quite boring. I myself even can question myself 'Did I write this shit?' For all readers, thank you so much for visiting this blog. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang for you :)
Friday, January 29, 2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Sebut ayat bawah ni laju², ber-ulang² kali
Korang faham tak korang baru sebut apa tadi? Alamak! Wan aku kat kampung pun faham lah!
Ok. Still have nothing new in my life, yet. Still waiting for my new futsal shoes. Ala ayah, tak sampai dua ratus pun. Belikan ar! Nike5 je! HAHA
Aku ada baca kat internet, satu laman web ni. Dia cakap, rumours lah, mulai 1 Mei, harga petrol akan naik jadi RM3.70 utk RON95 dan RM3.90 utk RON97. Tapi, harga kereta pulak akan turun. Harga kereta tempatan akan diturunkan at least 40%. Cukai untuk kereta luar negara lak akan diturunkan dari 200% jadi 30% je. Looks like lepas ni, Mercedes bukan kereta mewah lagi ar.
Tapi halnya skang, org tak beli kereta macam beli ayam kat Giant tu, org beli dan guna petrol macam tauke Sunway Lagoon gunakan air. Korg faham tak?
Kalau benda ni jadi realiti, habislah kerajaan Malaysia kena tibai dgn pembangkang :D
I want a fork on the table
Korang faham tak korang baru sebut apa tadi? Alamak! Wan aku kat kampung pun faham lah!
Ok. Still have nothing new in my life, yet. Still waiting for my new futsal shoes. Ala ayah, tak sampai dua ratus pun. Belikan ar! Nike5 je! HAHA
Aku ada baca kat internet, satu laman web ni. Dia cakap, rumours lah, mulai 1 Mei, harga petrol akan naik jadi RM3.70 utk RON95 dan RM3.90 utk RON97. Tapi, harga kereta pulak akan turun. Harga kereta tempatan akan diturunkan at least 40%. Cukai untuk kereta luar negara lak akan diturunkan dari 200% jadi 30% je. Looks like lepas ni, Mercedes bukan kereta mewah lagi ar.
Tapi halnya skang, org tak beli kereta macam beli ayam kat Giant tu, org beli dan guna petrol macam tauke Sunway Lagoon gunakan air. Korg faham tak?
Kalau benda ni jadi realiti, habislah kerajaan Malaysia kena tibai dgn pembangkang :D
Friday, January 22, 2010
Shit Ar!
It usually takes me about half an hour to sleep well.
My sleepless night now will come haunting me.
For what reason? Simple! As I heard by rumours, SPM results will be announced on 25th Feb.
So, what scares you most rather than your becoming SPM results?
My sleepless night now will come haunting me.
For what reason? Simple! As I heard by rumours, SPM results will be announced on 25th Feb.
So, what scares you most rather than your becoming SPM results?
Monday, January 18, 2010
Super Junior akan dtg Malaysia pd bulan Mac.
Oh. Boyband Korea tu? Don't care lah!
Dan ia meninggalkan peluang utk band² Barat spt Green Day dan Paramore utk perform di Malaysia.
And they chose Singapore instead of Malaysia.
I wonder why the government is so strict about having foreign artistes or bands concert.
Maybe the government likes those Negritas to have concert.
Well, just look at Ne-Yo.
But the thing is, I like Ne-Yo :D
Oh. Boyband Korea tu? Don't care lah!
Dan ia meninggalkan peluang utk band² Barat spt Green Day dan Paramore utk perform di Malaysia.
And they chose Singapore instead of Malaysia.
I wonder why the government is so strict about having foreign artistes or bands concert.
Maybe the government likes those Negritas to have concert.
Well, just look at Ne-Yo.
But the thing is, I like Ne-Yo :D
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Terjumpa satu ayat yg best ni ;
Kalau lelaki itu adalah yang sama, macam mana? Jawapan nya senang je, utk wanita tu, hilangkan kesulitan itu, layan je lelaki itu. OK! Case solved!
Next demonstration for objecting the usage of word Allah ; I'll join.
ISA? I'm not afraid at all!
Demonstrasi kat Masjid Negara minggu lepas pun ak join.
So, nak hantar FRU ber-lori² pun takpe!
*gila sungguh ak ni.
"Seorang wanita menghadapi kesulitan apabila ia berada di antara lelaki yang dicintainya dan yang mencintainya".
Kalau lelaki itu adalah yang sama, macam mana? Jawapan nya senang je, utk wanita tu, hilangkan kesulitan itu, layan je lelaki itu. OK! Case solved!
Next demonstration for objecting the usage of word Allah ; I'll join.
ISA? I'm not afraid at all!
Demonstrasi kat Masjid Negara minggu lepas pun ak join.
So, nak hantar FRU ber-lori² pun takpe!
*gila sungguh ak ni.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
5ST1 2009

Kelas paling pandai (kot) - 5ST1
Kelas paling gila - 5ST1
Dey! Kelas ni memang kelas paling variety kat SMK Sri Andalas pada tahun 2009. Nak cakap pandai tu bape ramai, silap besar ar tu! Kenapa aku cakap kelas paling variety? Yelah, pergaduhan, pemuasan nafsu kuda, percakaran, peng-gosip-an, peng-kantoi-an, just name it. Ada je dalam kelas ni.
Ok³. Sini aku cerita dalam². Setakat pelajar 5ST1 yg msk Kuiz Fizik, Kuiz Kimia or what so ever, itu lame ar! That's just ordinary. Well, apa yg aku nak cerita ni, this is extraordinary. Pelajar yg couple², sikit punya ramai yg ada. Antaranya aku ar! HAHA!
Second, pelajar buat pergaduhan atau permusuhan dengan budak orang lain. Antaranya aku gak! Tapi ada sebab gak! Skandal antara pelajar 5ST1 pun ada. Jangan terkejut. Orang tu aku rahsiakan. Tapi dalam kelas, memang nampak jelas benda tu. HAHA! Takpe yg tak best nya, sampai terjadi nya perang dingin dalam 5ST1. At last, aku ngan kawan aku ban sorang ni yg sgt longkang. Spe dia tu? Perlu ke korang tau?
Dulu pernah cikgu kelas 5ST1, Puan Raja Fatimah bagitau kat kelas 'tak guna ber-cinta² ni'. Tapi apa yg bertindak sebagai respons? HAHA. Apa kegemaran pelajar 5ST1? Keluar atau blah dari kelas time Maths. Yelah, cikgu yg ajar tu, mak aih. Damn boring wei. Aku pun kaki keluar time Maths. Pergi kantin, minum², and jalan lambat² keliling satu blok.
Kegemaran yang lain? Ponteng atau balik awal. Untuk rekod, ramai gak yg kaki tak datang sekolah. Alasan nya, study kat rumah. Poyo lebih! Balik awal pun ramai gak yg buat. Pengawas lak tu. Antara nya, aku jugak! Yes, I did it, twice. Dengan kawan sekelas, kitorang keluar dengan uniform pengawas, jalan je guna pagar depan tu. HAHA. Destinasi nya? Rumah orang yg tak datang sekolah. Nak buat lagi gila, pernah masa buat tu, Cikgu Latifah, Cikgu Rashidah ngan cikgu kelas kitorang nampak. Kantoi baik punya!
Yang nafsu kuda pun apa kurang nya. Sorang pelajar 5ST1, buat 'drama' time rehat masa trial SPM. Yang hebat nya, kat dewan lak tu. Aku antara saksi nya. Wah³. Aksi seterika badan, peluk², memang macam kat sekolah USA lak. At last, kena marah ngan Cikgu Hazlina. Hoho.
But, the thing is, I miss this class.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Cure for soar throat? Just use Strepsils.
Cure for headache? Paracetamol lah weyh!
Cure for cancer? Chemotherapy perhaps.
Cure for liver failure? Ask an organ donor instead!
Cure for kidney problem? Haemodialysis may help but you will die anyway!
Cure for heart broken? None.
Well, just let me die in vain. What do you care anyway?
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