I would like to make a prophecy that after the trial ends, this one particular product will be a hit among consumers in Malaysia. Well, it is K-Y JELLY (look above). FYI, this product is a sexual lubricant. For those who have not tried sex, yet, let me tell you about the way to use it. Well, just simply rub it into your v-word or a-word. And, you will have a much smoother intercourse. Fot those sex maniacs out there, use that product. At least, you are showing some support to Anwar. HAHA
Ok. As I see at several blogs, there are too many condemns threw towards Anwar. And I found several others who are still supporting him. Yes, Malaysia is a democracy nation. You can say anything that you want. I can have a hardcore threesome but, I don't want actually. But, the thing is, these people who are I should say, quarelling over one unofficial gay, are Malays. No Chinese, no Indians. Sounds like not 1Malaysia after all.
These Malays can simply say at the person of their own race as 'bangsat', 'otak kat lutut', 'IQ kurang', 'bodoh nak mampos' and 'bebal'. For one simple reason which is politics, they have hearts to do these kind of things. Don't they realize that the race of Malay has been shattered and they want to add more problems? Maybe they will be happy to see the race of Malay to be extinct.
It is so pathetic to see the Malays quarelling over themselves. I wonder when will be the time where all Malays stay united. If not, Malaysia will be invaded by the Israelis and Americans. One of their way of invasion is by making the Malays to quarrel. Simple but effective!
To make things become hotter, I found this quote at someone's blog ;
PAS itu Melayu,
UMNO itu Islam.
Well, if that case, UMNO should be replaced with UINO - United Islam Nation Organization. Makes sense right? And that PAS thing, I don't care much! I don't like PAS actually. Or maybe, I don't like fanatical politics! It is like a HIV virus.To close this post, I should call these typical kind of Malays as Meleis. It is originated from the word MALAISE that means great discomfort. Thanks to Obefiend!
p/s : this post is not created to make shame of someone else. what is the point of destroying a person's life when that person is the same race with us? digest it into your douche!
justin bieber muke pun mcm perempuan kan. haha dengar lagu die one time best jugak ;)
KY jelly gonna be nation's number 1 hit!
sex maniacs out there will be interested with this product.
it is a must-buy product for them :P
sounds like u had use the KY jelly b4.
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