But no matter how much we love someone, there is always a love from God towards us. One thing is, do we worship Him as a sign of loving Him?
Alright people. SPM results have been anounced. And there is one thing that I disgust most ; the cliche of those top students.
One example, the explaination of one top student towards the media on how he/she succeed ;
"Saya tak buat jadual tapi saya belajar ikut kemahuan saya. Masa malam, saya tengok tv sikit, lepas tu makan, and then saya main piano kejap, and baru saya belajar."
That explaination caught the eyes of my friend and he said "Habis takkan tak makan pulak. Bengap!" And the best cliche of one top student that I watched ;
"Pertama, kita hendaklah menjaga hubungan kita dengan setiap manusia. Kita hendaklah menjadi baik kepada mereka. Kedua, kita hendaklah menjaga hubungan kita dengan Tuhan. Ketiga, kita mesti berfikiran positif. Biar orang kata tak boleh tapi kita fikir kita boleh."
With his/her style of explaining like a 'penceramah', I conclude that he/she should take MASCOM. HAHA
p/s : i love you. you love me. so, what is next? bed romp?
ouh, yang second tue , perempuan kan :) haha, bed romp . terbaik :P
eh. mana tau ni? haha
hahahahahaha !
ala jay. ko pun tau kan. haha
ak tertarik kat ayat las je. bed romp.. the best.. haha
wah. sejak bila ko paham ni tika oi?
sejak bile2 la.. haha.. i'm not kids la sygg oi..
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