Do you know why the Kelantan state government wants the petroleum royalty so badly? Let me tell you.
I managed to know the reason only by looking at the Kelantanese environment, the roads and the buildings. Guess what, the roads in Kelantan are among the worst that I have ever travelled at. And plus, look at the buildings. Pasar Siti Khadijah is a great place for buying groceries but that place looks so old and lame. I wonder where is the allocation for maintaining it?
One simple reason lah, politics. I know that if the Kelantan state government got that royalty, for sure they will improve the condition of the roads and buildings. But dreams stay as dreams. Ye lah, Kelantan state goverment tu PAS punya. Federal goverment tu BN punya. Different political parties. So, a situation of 'menganak-tirikan' occurs. No allocation given to the Kelantan state government. But I saw the LHDN office in Kota Bharu. So, where is the Kelantan people's money paid for taxes? Disappear? Fukkkkk sama lu lah fed. gov.
Let's be a bit logic. As Kelantan people do not get better infrastructure and environment, how come they want to vote for BN? It would be some kind of stupid lah. It is like you want someone to be with you but you don't want to do something for that someone? Easy right?
One more thing. Just look at Pasar Payang, Kuala Terengganu. Full with Malays but the condition is so bad. Ye lah, Kuala Terengganu tu kan PAS punya. Is it a must for the state goverment to fulfill them? Bagus lah macam tu. Malay bullying Malay. I don't even know for sure whether I am living in a majority-Malay country or not.
OK. I am not so scared if I went to jail for this. What I have written is a true reality. For the sake of politics, your own race is destroyed. I can't believe it. For readers who agree with me, don't be scared lah. I am always with you.
p/s : next post? wait lar.
gler la. xtkot ISA ke?
what ISA? some kind of animal huh?
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