Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Goo Goo Goo

I felt so good when my father said "bagus jugak ko ambik asasi law. yelah, dalam family ramai sangat engineer. lawyer takde pun."

He also added "lawyer ni bagus jugak. nanti senang kalau masuk politik."

Whatever lah ayah oi. I may enter politics, maybe right after those racist politicians are dead. HAHA

p/s : repeat 'Alpha Q' as fast as possible.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Simple Updates.

I will not write any sequel for this post. I just will write updates that I have. Just read them.

First, I would to announce the existence of my formspring account. If you want to ask anything to me, just use formspring. You just need to see the right side of this blog. Well, it is kind of good anyway for all of you.

Second, 2010 Earth Hour will be held at 27 March 2010 from 8.30 p.m to 9.30 p.m. As I am not mistaken, this programme is created to aware people to stop global warming. What global warming? I just knew about few weeks ago that global warming is a swindle. Just wait for that 'swindle' post.

Third, few of my friends told me that Redtube (a porn site) is no longer exist. How should I know about it? It has been months since I last watched porn. Yelah. Aku ni dah jadi baik tau tak. Anyway, I am so 'kantoi' for telling you people that I watch porn. To make things weird, one my friends told me that Redtube's owner is a Malaysian. The thing is, why there is no Malaysian porn in that site? Oh damn. Kantoi lagi.

Fourth, Akon has been denied his visa to Sri Lanka due to his "Sexy Bitch" music video where Buddha statues were put at the set. Read this. I just found out that the set was David Guetta's house. And somehow, David Guetta is a Buddhist. Wow. A Buddhist Jew. Sounds great.

p/s : anonymous can also comment my blog posts. so, do comment lah!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Malay Based Thing That I Hate.

Writing this post doesn’t mean that I simply dislike my own race. But there are several things that encourage me to write this post.

Its OK. I won’t write a very long post. So, it is Malay newspaper that I hate. Why? Simple! But you first need to read Malay newspaper. Then only you can agree with me.

What I hate about Malay newspaper is that irrelevant news are used for the headlines. That tabloid newspaper explains everything. Sex stories, bomoh stories and artis kantoi berkhalwat stories are favourites for making the headlines. One example of headlines is “Remaja kantoi berpesta zina di kondo.” As most Malaysians especially men are so addicted to sex, for sure they will buy that newspaper. And a much more important news are situated at the middle of that newspaper. Damn. What a filthy strategy.

Another thing that I hate about Malay newspaper is pages and pages of political news. I am so disgusted with that kind of news. For sure that kind of news will be the headlines. It is normal to have “Ahli parlimen keluar parti” news. And there will be news of condemning the Opposition. Just look at that meloya newspaper. To add things up, they will have some sort of sarcastic cartoon about politics. You do not have to ask who are the victims. I know that you can sort it by yourself. As there are so many political news, the sports news will be just 2 or 3 pages. Fuck that.

Last reason is, 4D. Yeah. The only gambling that the oldies and the poor can afford. It only costs a ringgit for a ticket of your chosen number. And the results of yesterday winners ; you can have it at Malay newspaper. And one thing that I disgust so much ; that tabloid newspaper spends two pages about ads on how to know about the results of yesterday’s 4D. Should I say that as an encouragement to a sinful act? Hell yes!

p/s : more and more things that I hate will be posted! just wait!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Human Rights.

Ok³. Sudah bosan lah tulis post dalam English je. Ayat pun makin tunggang-langgang. Jadi, kali ini, dalam BM pula.

Semua mesti dah tahu pasal gay dan lesbian. Dan untuk buat cerita lebih best, kita ada pondan dan juga pengkid dalam post ni. Tapi korang jangan risau. Post ini bukan untuk mengutuk dan mencaci mereka. Aku cuma akan kaitkan mereka dengan kehidupan kita.

Sudah semestinya yang ramai yang condemn golongan yang aku sebutkan kat atas tadi. Mereka termasuk kawan-kawan aku dan juga keluarga aku atas alasan menyalahi hukum norma manusia normal. Ok. Aku tak boleh nak lawan dorang semua tu. Lagipun dah memang tercatat bahawa berdosa besar jika menjadi sebahagian daripada golongan tersebut.

Monday, March 15, 2010


Kasih is love. While kekasih is lover. You will not possibly get a lover everyday but you will get a love everyday. Is it right?

But no matter how much we love someone, there is always a love from God towards us. One thing is, do we worship Him as a sign of loving Him?

Alright people. SPM results have been anounced. And there is one thing that I disgust most ; the cliche of those top students.

One example, the explaination of one top student towards the media on how he/she succeed ;

"Saya tak buat jadual tapi saya belajar ikut kemahuan saya. Masa malam, saya tengok tv sikit, lepas tu makan, and then saya main piano kejap, and baru saya belajar."

That explaination caught the eyes of my friend and he said "Habis takkan tak makan pulak. Bengap!" And the best cliche of one top student that I watched ;

"Pertama, kita hendaklah menjaga hubungan kita dengan setiap manusia. Kita hendaklah menjadi baik kepada mereka. Kedua, kita hendaklah menjaga hubungan kita dengan Tuhan. Ketiga, kita mesti berfikiran positif. Biar orang kata tak boleh tapi kita fikir kita boleh."

With his/her style of explaining like a 'penceramah', I conclude that he/she should take MASCOM. HAHA

p/s : i love you. you love me. so, what is next? bed romp?

Thursday, March 11, 2010


I managed to get 4A's for SPM. Subjects that I managed to get A are BM, English, Maths and Physics.

How about Agama? I got B+. Even my friends managed to get A for Agama. Murtad ke apa aku ni?

p/s : Read this post. Looks like I don't have to bernazar. HAHA

Sunday, March 7, 2010

I Tried To Have Patience But I Can't.

Look into the date of my first a.k.a oldest post. It is 14th February 2009. It means that it has been more than a year since I first started blogging.

"Nice blog Hazzad". "Good post Hazzad". I always get those kind of compliments. Thanks folks. But does that enough for me? Well, I don't think so. HAHA

As we know through the news, there are so many 'kes dera' in Malaysia. Well, as you can see, we are like in 'zaman arab jahiliyah'. No more simple slapping or kicking. Those ways are way too lame for them. For them, the best ways of torturing would be like hitting using a stick, kicking using a ball, and even forcing the victim to take drugs. How pathetic!

For me, those persons who are torturing other person are same like a herd of hyenas. Or maybe they are devils beneath human bodies. I just hate them. Based on my opinion, I think that Qisas should be enough for them. Yup. Punish torturer by torturing him/her back. But I thing that kind of punishment will not be used. As I predict, for sure, the Bar Council and Sisters In Islam will object this kind of punishment for the sake of human rights. Damn it.

So readers, what punishment do you think should be enough for punishing torturers?

p/s : there will be a new face in this blog, later.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Scream Loudly Folks.

Staring at you
Touching your face
Invading your space

Quotes that are situated above should be considered as 'part of the list'. What list? List of things you will miss when you lost someone you love so much. Well, I mean it.

Currently, I am addicted to listening sentimental songs. It is okay if that song is a metal song as long the lyrics are quite sentimental.

FYI, during my love crisis which was about six or seven months ago, when I listened to Aizat - Pergi, I shed tears. Something weird for someone who was famous for his 'as hard as a diamond' heart. But at least, I know that my strength can be my weakness.

Sometimes, when we are facing problem or problems, the best way to overcome that situation is by crying. You can cry in front of your bestfriend but if you are shy to show it to your bestfriend, just cry by yourself.

p/s : we have 86400 seconds in a day. but that does that enough for us to choose between making deeds or sins? or maybe making our own way to heaven or hell?