Thursday, November 12, 2009


Experience has taught me the true meaning of life. One truth, life is not made to be easy. Please, take note.

Yeah, that is me. An imperfect human, who strives for better when at last, getting something that is worse. When my head is made for only to face one situation at one time, troubles and problems came, within uncountable time. Misery had influenced my heart. Sometimes, I just wish to have amnesia, so that I won't be able to remember all these problems and troubles.

If your heart is kind enough, then it is good. But mine isn't. Facing these situation caused me to frequently wonder for a while, "I miss my past". But what I can do? Nobody knows my problems.

You may see me, but I exist in another world. In the world of confusion.

*No more blog posting from me after this. It's SPM time. Wish me luck babeyh!


Friday, November 6, 2009

I Have An Invaluable Life.

SPM dah makin dekat.
Rasa takut? Takde.
Dah sedia? Rasa tak sedia pun.

Sekarang, aku dah merasakan satu ketakpastian dalam hidup aku.

Sayang? Semua orang boleh guna mulut. Cakap je. Tapi cakap pun tak guna kalau hati kata lain.

"Hei. Aku tak sayang kat dia pun."
Itu mulut kata. Hati?

Itulah ketakpastian yang aku ada.

Nak carik orang untuk aku luahkan, susah lak. Dah lah zaman ni banyak orang mulut longkang.

Simpan dalam hati, badan binasa lak.
