Friday, April 30, 2010


Time I start writing this post ; 2333 hours.

Oh ideas. Come to me. Come to me. There are people waiting for my new post so come on!

(Several minutes wasted)... (Still wasting)...

(After 63 minutes of thinking)...

Hello people. Here I come with a new post after my tearful post before this. Seriously, I took minutes or maybe hours, thinking about my new post. But, thanks to Boyzone's new album, I managed to have one.

So, I want to say something about sports in our own country. Yelah, everyone has its own favourite sports. Like me, I just stick to football. One kind of low-cost sports compared to polo, equestrian and golf. How the hell would you imagine to buy a set of the cheapest golf clubs? But for football, you can go buy one football at Tesco and with your 'kaki ayam', you can play them. Simple right?

In Malaysia, imagine that the government and sports institutes have been targetting specific sports that can bring gold medals in the Olympics. Indoor cycling, archery and badminton. That's all I can remember. They want these specific sports to bring gold medals without giving more and more proper and sophisticated facilities. It is like a man who copulates with his girlfriend and doesn't want his girlfriend to be pregnant but he doesn't wear a condom. Do you get me?

As you know, the Thomas Cup will be held about 10 days from now. And what I saw from the tv shows something unpleasant. The Sports Minister went to meet the badminton players as a sign of support for them. But I have been thinking that the minister is having high hopes on them. This brings pressure for them, plus the venue for this year Thomas Cup is in Malaysia. One thing in my mind about them is "They will be fucked up. They have been burdened by so much hopes and pressure. I'm afraid that they won't even make it to the finals." 

For me, they shouldn't be burdened with so much hopes and pressure. Do you know that over pressure can bring one sportsman to a defeat?

Let me tell a bit about Malaysian football. The local players are good. I can't deny that. The thing is, look at the condition of the fields. How bad to watch that kind of condition. The condition of the field is very very important as players can get injured due to the slippery or hard condition of the field. Look at the Wembley pitch in London. Everyone criticizes the condition of that pitch. Sometimes, I wonder, shouldn't there be any allocation for maintaining the condition of the field?

All over my life, I can say that sports is like being 'dianak-tirikan' in Malaysia. How pathetic to see that. I know that sports in Malaysia bring no concrete profits to any company and even the government. But don't you feel ashamed to see countries that are much poorer that Malaysia but still can bring about ten gold medals in the Olmpics while Malaysia can only be proud of obtaining one silver medal.

p/s : after this, maybe i will be so lazy to write new posts.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Tears Are Adding To The Flood.

Pejam celik pejam celik dah 24 April 2010. Sudah genap setahun kalau dihitung. Maksud aku, sudah setahun arwah nenek aku pergi memanggil seruan Ilahi. Arwah nenek yang selalu aku jumpa tatkala arwah sihat atau sakit. Tapi sayang. Aku jarang berborak panjang dengan arwah.

Masih terpahat segar dalam memori aku saat² arwah ditarik nyawanya. Aku berada di depan dia pula masa tu. Tapi tak perlulah aku nak cerita panjang² pasal itu. Tragis sungguh. Aku tau kalau aku cerita, mesti ada yang menangis. Cukuplah aku saja yang menangis.

Aku masih ingat, masa raya, mesti arwah akan bagi RM10 dekat aku dan adik-beradik aku. Aku tau, bagi korang, RM10 itu kecil saja nilainya. Tapi bagi aku, ianya sungguh berharga. Bayangkan, arwah mampu bagi budak² lain duit raya RM10 juga. Murah sungguh rezeki arwah nenek aku ini.

Kadang² masa aku dapat result exam aku macam UPSR dengan PMR yang dianggap flying colours, arwah nenek aku cukup gembira dan beri aku sedikit duit kepada aku sebagai tanda tumpang gembira dengan result aku tu. Dan dulu pernah juga arwah nak beri aku duit untuk aku belanja dekat sekolah tapi ayah aku cakap dalam bahasa Jawa "Mak, hari ini bukan hari raya."

Bagi aku, arwah nenek aku lah antara nenek paling beruntung pasal arwah dapat tau yang cucu²-nya sudah berjaya; jadi engineer lah, businessman lah, lecturer lah. Cuma tak ada lawyer je. Should that be me?

Kepada nenek, you know that I love you so much. And if possible, when I die, I would like to be buried beside your grave so that I can feel tranquility in my grave.

p/s : i spent about 45 minutes writing this 'kind-of-short' post and i shed tears when writing this post. damn. it was hard for me.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I Just Did This.

OK Atiqah. Aku buat post yang kau tag aku ni. Demi kau, aku buat lah. Lagipun, dah lama aku tak buat post macam ni.

1. Bekas kekasih saya adalah:
 seorang perempuan yang cute dan sweet.

2. Saya sedang mendengar:
David Guetta - Grrr (lagu genre electro)

3. Mungkin saya patut:
mintak kemeja Armani Exchange kat abang saya. LOL

4. Saya suka:
total football. its the best style of playing football.

5. Sahabat-sahabat baik saya:
nama pun sahabat baik. mestilah mereka tu baik kan.

6. Saya tak paham:
kenapa budak² perempuan cakap justin bieber ni cute or handsome. apahal?

7. Saya kehilangan:
idea nak buat post baru kat blog.

8. Ramai yang berkata:
yang lionel messi itu seorang alien. well, his coach says that too.

9. Makna nama saya:
selama aku hidup kat dunia ni, aku tak tau pun makna nama aku ni. serius.

10. Cinta itu adalah:
seperti ikatan antara kita dan orang lain. biarlah kita tak miliki diri orang itu asalkan kita miliki hati orang itu dengan cinta kita.

11. Di suatu tempat, seseorang sedang:
clubbing di satu club sambil pegang sebotol Jack Daniels.

12. Saya akan cuba:
mengawal naluri semulajadi saya.

13. Ayat SELAMANYA membawa maksud:
forever until the very end.

14. Telefon bimbit saya:
N73 warna hitam.

15. Bila saya terjaga dari tidur:
saya akan tengok kat hp sama ada terdapat mesej atau miscall.

16. Saya paling meluat apabila:
ada orang menikam dari belakang orang lain.

17. Pesta/Parti adalah :
sesuatu yang saya suka sangat. full with chicks. hoho

18. Haiwan yang paling comel yang saya pernah temui ialah:
Harimau Belang kat Zoo Negara.

19. Peringkat umur yang paling menyeronokkan bagi saya ialah:
17 tahun. macam² benda yang terjadi.

20. Hari ini:

21. Malam ini saya akan:
buat apa² yang saya suka.

22. Esok pula saya akan:
start fikir untuk shopping apa. haha

23. Saya betul-betul ingin:
itu slingbag Burberry. hoho

24. Ketika anda lihat wajah anda di hadapan cermin pagi ini:
rambut saya makin panjang lah pulak.

25. Pusat membeli-belah atau arked permainan:
pusat membeli-belah lah.

26. Makanan Barat atau Jepun :
 Barat jelah.

27. Bilik yang terang atau gelap:
separa terang dan gelap.

28. Makanan segera adalah:
fast food. like what you can get at McDonald's or Burger King.

29. Ayat terakhir yang anda katakan pada seseorang?

30.Siapa yang anda mahu Tag?
sesiapa lah. kalau anda baca, adalah diharap supaya anda turut buat survey post ni. some kind of good actually. but i don't know for what aspect. haha

p/s: love me, kiss me, hug me, and i will do exactly the same things you did.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

How Pathetic.

Do you know why the Kelantan state government wants the petroleum royalty so badly? Let me tell you.

I managed to know the reason only by looking at the Kelantanese environment, the roads and the buildings. Guess what, the roads in Kelantan are among the worst that I have ever travelled at. And plus, look at the buildings. Pasar Siti Khadijah is a great place for buying groceries but that place looks so old and lame. I wonder where is the allocation for maintaining it?

One simple reason lah, politics. I know that if the Kelantan state government got that royalty, for sure they will improve the condition of the roads and buildings. But dreams stay as dreams. Ye lah, Kelantan state goverment tu PAS punya. Federal goverment tu BN punya. Different political parties. So, a situation of 'menganak-tirikan' occurs. No allocation given to the Kelantan state government. But I saw the LHDN office in Kota Bharu. So, where is the Kelantan people's money paid for taxes? Disappear? Fukkkkk sama lu lah fed. gov.

Let's be a bit logic. As Kelantan people do not get better infrastructure and environment, how come they want to vote for BN? It would be some kind of stupid lah. It is like you want someone to be with you but you don't want to do something for that someone? Easy right?

One more thing. Just look at Pasar Payang, Kuala Terengganu. Full with Malays but the condition is so bad. Ye lah, Kuala Terengganu tu kan PAS punya. Is it a must for the state goverment to fulfill them? Bagus lah macam tu. Malay bullying Malay. I don't even know for sure whether I am living in a majority-Malay country or not.

OK. I am not so scared if I went to jail for this. What I have written is a true reality. For the sake of politics, your own race is destroyed. I can't believe it. For readers who agree with me, don't be scared lah. I am always with you.

p/s : next post? wait lar.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


At last, I come with a new post.

You know, I had a very good holiday. This very 'bandar' boy travelled about 1500km and spent hours sitting in a car full with 'keropok' and 'tax-free mangkuk brand Correll'. It is like driving a lorry to Bangkok. Eating is not a problem as I only went to Islamic states. But there is only one problem; the dialect.

Let me make it simple for you. I can understand different dialects of spoken English but it is hard for me to understand eastern dialect of spoken BM. One example; Shell. How do they pronounce it?

First, one male Chinese Kuantanese said to my father and I. "Kat situ ada Sholl (Shell)." I may understand that. Easy lah folks!

Second, one Terengganu woman said this to my mother. "Hok situ ada Share (Shell)." Wow. Anyway makcik, do come to KL. HAHA

I went to Wakaf Che Yeh. There were so many good sold at there. What made hard for me to understand was their way of pronouncing what they were selling. "Manggo manggo 4 kilo 10 yal." What yal? A shorter word for riyal?

p/s : a holiday can show us something we don't know and reveal some douches to us.

Monday, April 5, 2010

I Am Bullshitting.

Orang selalu kata yang first love lah yang paling susah nak lupa. I don't think so. For me, it is second love. Kenapa? Entah lah.

Kadang², kata² tak menunjukkan perkara yang sebenar. Even every shit that I have written in this blog doesn't mean to be true. Tapi mungkin post ini adalah fakta. Agaknya lah.

Sekarang ini, aku boleh senang je nak jadi agak sentimental. Cuma dengan dengar apa² lagu jiwang sikit dan jadilah sentimental. Dan sekarang, aku tau aku cuma kawan je dengan dia. Aku sedar batas hubungan antara kitorang. Tapi kalau hati rasa lain, apa guna jugak kan?

Orang selalu kata "tak guna mengejar benda yang tak akan dicapai." Aku sememangnya tau akan benda tu. Tapi takkan selama-lamanya bende tu tak akan dicapai. Mungkin akan sampai masanya bende akan datang juga pada kita. Walaupun kita akan capainya dalam jangka masa yang sangat panjang, tapi ianya memadai jika kita dapat bahagia pada akhirnya.

Bak lirik Kugilalensa - Hello;
" Aku hanya orang gila
Gila aku gila cinta
Cinta aku kepadanya "