Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Lepas Tengok Sarjan Hassan,

Aku tengok, dulu Jepun jajah Malaya guna senjata. Guna kekerasan. Orang lawan, kepala penggal. Senang sungguh.

Tapi sekarang, cara Jepun jajah Malaysia dah lain. Lagi maju kot.


Just to mention some. Dan cara yang paling menjadi,

Maria Ozawa.

Korang kenal dia ke? Aku tak.

p/s : antara mangsa penjajahan versi baru ni ; aku lah. HAHA

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A Bad Man Is Still A Man.

He died in Abbottabad, Pakistan.

Osama bin Laden (1957-2011). He was the leader of Al-Qaeda. He once was wanted so badly by FBI, CIA, US troops (shouldn't just i say the US?). He died during a shooting, leaving his 5 wives and 20 children behind. Yes, 20 children.

I know that many people around would be pleased with his death as they set their fucking minds that Osama bin Laden is a terrorist. I do not blame them as the US has done a very fucking fine job to set people's minds all over the world. Nice job US!

We know that most people regard him as a bad man. And we know that the US troops shot him. It is a bad man's life but it is still a life right?

But sincerely speaking, there is a region in my heart saying "I do not respect him." Well, he was the reason of the existence of Islamophobia. He was the reason many Westerners, especially Americans who hate Islam damn much. He was the reason those who wears kind-of-Islamic clothes cannot ride an airplane. I love my religion and for sure, I will get mad because of these kind of scenarios. Unfortunately, my voice is very small that the world cannot hear well. So, I just need to shut my mouth. Life just goes on baby.

There is one thing for sure. He is dead but there will be another coming out of the blue. So, to Mr. Obama, do not celebrate his death! Who knows you might be next!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Let Me Share You A Picture.

Kat mana aku jumpa tanda ni? Mana lagi kalau bukan Kuala Pilah. HAHA

Kreatif sungguh orang zaman sekarang.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Dear Anonymous.

Okay lah. Kalau kawan aku atau orang lain yang komen macam ni dalam blog aku (maksud aku, dia guna akaun dia), aku akan anggap dia se-olah² macam menganjing aku je. Aku tak kisah lah sangat. Aku boleh anggap tu gurauan.

Tapi masalahnya sekarang, anonymous yang hantar.

Untuk aku, kalau anonymous yang hantar komen tapi bunyi komen macam pelik je, aku anggap yang dia menghina aku. Senang je. Untuk pengetahuan korang, aku tak suka pun anonymous. Berani komen tapi tak tunjuk muka. Nah. Such a dickless man then.

Untuk kau, encik atau cik anon, sini lah aku nak beritahu. Agama aku Islam dan aku solat okay. Kau solat ke tak bukan untuk aku nak tahu pun. Buat apa aku nak ambil tahu pasal kau? Bukan nya aku yang jaga amalan kau. Faham ?

Yang penting, aku memang tak respek pun golongan anon ni. Berani tembak orang tapi tak tunjuk muka. Mungkin aku boleh anggap mereka ni semua musuh aku. Hoho

Bak kata Vito Corleone ; "Keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer."