Friday, January 21, 2011

Respect Others, Then They Will Respect You.

I am not an orthodox-minded person. That means I am a very open-minded person. There is no way that I will view something just from one way, instead I will view in different ways.

I, sincerely speaking, would like to say that I dislike some of orthodox people out there. Why? I saw some of them (YES, some of them) came with a new 'hukum' that were irrational. One of my friend's teacher told him that it is forbidden (haram) to watch movies in cinemas. He said cinemas can spread bad things like 'maksiat' among people. Is that so? Then how about shopping complex? It spreads bad things too right?

I do not mean to hate them, but their ways are just annoying for me. Anything else is just fine. They are just normal. And as an open-minded person, I should respect their views, not become like a dog who barks without thinking.

p/s : feel offended by this post? what do i need to care for? wee wee


Nasha N said...

oi bukan masuk wayang kelua kite jadi orang tua ke.serious.ustazah aku dulu cakap.bhaha.selamat beramal :D

Anonymous said...

Dapat dosa sebab dalam wayang tu ada orang buat maksiat, so kita ni kira bersekutu ke apa ntah. Tp tu ustazaha aku la cakap. Haahahahaha

zad said...

nasha. oh ptut la dorg ckp ak ni org tua. haha :D

zet. hbs yg org len dok maksiat kat shopping mall yg kita gi tu, cmne lak? hahaha