Friday, February 4, 2011

Animalia. Eh. Bunyi Macam Amalia.

Between a dog and a human, who is more loyal to you?

There is one simple way to find it. All you need to do is lock both your dog and wife in your car for an hour. After that, open your door. Then only you will know who is more loyal to you. Maybe you sort it out by now. HAHA

BTW, if I were given a chance to have a pet, I would like to have a horse. Why? Easy. Because I can ride on it. At least I can become Zorro for a while :)


Nasha N said...

dah ade kude tak perlu menggunakan kenderaan awam untuk ke mid dan pavi :D

Anonymous said...

Hazzad , aku nak cekik cekik kau . Nama aku tu wehh .

zad said...

nasher. what? =="

itik. iye?

Anonymous said...

Fine lah kau anjing . Jangan lupa hadiah aku ! :D